✬✬ Tigers of the Forest ✬✬
✬✬✬ Tigers of the Forest ✬✬✬
¡Finalmente está aquí! Sus solicitudes han sido respondidas. Thanks for so many positive responses to our games and requests for Tigers of the Forest . Raise your very own Tiger. We've included a Tiger cub sequence. Its not like any ordinary Tiger simulator. You can customize all the members of your family with a wide variety of colorful coats. There are wizards, forest nymphs, magic effects, epic enemies and even a final battle. We've included short movie cut scenes to help see how the story unfolds.
The story begins with your young tiger. Debes ayudarla a encontrar su camino en el mundo. Find some family members, mark some territory, and avoid the wild enemies. Your big cat will build her skill by completing various quests. The ultimate epic battle is at the end. But before that, you will develop your hunting skills. Tendrá que beber agua y permanecer hidratado. Asegúrese de cazar y comer cuando su nivel de hambre se baja.
This a long form game. That means it will take you some effort to complete. But we created a very challenging final battle sequence. All family members are customizable. There is also cub training with playtime, hunting, and marking your territory . La historia se cuenta a través de algunas secuencias animadas cortas. Recoge el tesoro, cofre, gemas y llaves. This game is the latest in our Epic Quest series.
Enorme mundo del bosque 3D
✬✬Explore caves, waterfalls, forest, and rivers.
Enemigos animales
✬✬ Enemies include Wolves, Bears, Deer, Giant Spiders, Scorpion Warriors, Fire Cats, Eagles, and many more.
✬✬The app allows you to customize you Tiger Color, Markings, and even Call Sound.
Escenas de corte épico
✬✬ Follow along with the story with added short movie sequences.
Crea tu magia
✬✬ Find the Wizards, Collect the Magic Books, Potions, and Magic Items to Craft your magic spells
Elementos del tesoro
✬✬ Collect the keys, the gather the treasure chests, and gems to unlock new app features.
Batalla final épica
✬✬ The ultimate final battle is difficult to very challenging. You will need to use your magic and your clan to win the battle.
Epic Quest es una serie de juegos que creamos en Wild Foot. Hemos tomado todas sus sugerencias e intentamos combinarlas en este juego. Simulación de animales 3D en su mejor momento.
Nos encanta saber de ti. Escuchamos sus comentarios y siempre tratamos de mejorar la calidad de nuestros juegos. Asegúrese de pasar por nuestra página de Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wildfootgames para actualizaciones. Envíe sus sugerencias por correo electrónico. Nuestro enfoque es hacer juegos creativos con animales y magia. Animal simulators with a little something special. ¡Buena suerte y que tengas un día salvaje!
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