✬✬ Tigers of the Forest ✬✬
✬✬✬ Tigers of the Forest ✬✬✬
Это наконец здесь! Your requests have been answered. Thanks for so many positive responses to our games and requests for Tigers of the Forest . Raise your very own Tiger. We've included a Tiger cub sequence. Its not like any ordinary Tiger simulator. You can customize all the members of your family with a wide variety of colorful coats. There are wizards, forest nymphs, magic effects, epic enemies and even a final battle. We've included short movie cut scenes to help see how the story unfolds.
The story begins with your young tiger. Вы должны помочь ей найти свой путь в мире. Find some family members, mark some territory, and avoid the wild enemies. Your big cat will build her skill by completing various quests. The ultimate epic battle is at the end. But before that, you will develop your hunting skills. Вам нужно будет пить воду и оставаться увлажненными. Обязательно охотитесь и есть, когда уровень голода становится низким.
This a long form game. That means it will take you some effort to complete. But we created a very challenging final battle sequence. All family members are customizable. There is also cub training with playtime, hunting, and marking your territory . История рассказывается через некоторые короткие анимированные последовательности. Соберите сундук с сокровищами, драгоценные камни и ключи. This game is the latest in our Epic Quest series.
Огромный 3D Лесной мир
✬✬Explore caves, waterfalls, forest, and rivers.
Враги животных
✬✬ Enemies include Wolves, Bears, Deer, Giant Spiders, Scorpion Warriors, Fire Cats, Eagles, and many more.
✬✬The app allows you to customize you Tiger Color, Markings, and even Call Sound.
Epic Cut Scenes
✬✬ Follow along with the story with added short movie sequences.
Craft your Magic
✬✬ Find the Wizards, Collect the Magic Books, Potions, and Magic Items to Craft your magic spells
Treasure Elements
✬✬ Collect the keys, the gather the treasure chests, and gems to unlock new app features.
Epic Final Battle
✬✬ The ultimate final battle is difficult to very challenging. You will need to use your magic and your clan to win the battle.
Epic Quest - это серия игр, которые мы создали в Wild Foot. We've taken all your suggestions and tried to combine them into this game. 3D animal simulation at its best.
We love to hear from you. We listen to your feedback and always try to improve the quality of our games. Обязательно остановитесь на нашей странице в Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wildfootgames для обновлений. Пожалуйста, напишите ваши предложения. Our focus is making creative games with animals and magic. Animal simulators with a little something special. Good luck and have a Wildfoot day!
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